The Lookout
BothyThe Lookout
Distance4.6km 79m
Estimated Time30 mins each way
ParkingCar park near the phone box and cattle grid
Sunday was an easy day with lunch at the Old Inn in Carbost, a tour of the Talisker Distillery, A walk out to the lighthouse at Neist Point before driving up to the most northerly tip of the island and walking out to The Lookout to spend the night. A car pulled up at the car park just after me. With no other parked cars, I was optimistic of securing a bunk in the bothy. Rather than racing ahead of the Austrian/Belgian young couple, I walked to the bothy with them.
15/16 July 2018
Below: Yours truly, kindly taken by Debbie, named after Debbie Harry!
The photo above was taken during a brief break to the wet and windy weather - I am in the lee of the bothy.
Later, two Czech girls arrived, making things very cozy.
Later, two Czech girls arrived, making things very cozy.
Below: taken the next morning - I am not obsessed with my phone; it was connected to my camera via WiFi and I am using it as a remote control.
Below: Looking across The Minch towards Harris and Lewis. Couldn't see any whales though!
The direct line through to MBA HQ!
Improving weather - The Lookout seen at its best!
It was a very pleasant, easy walk back to the car, an enjoyable late breakfast in Portree and sunny drive back home!