Sgurr a'Chaorachain
CorbettsSgurr a'Chaorachain
Distance/Ascent7km 814m
Estimated TimeHard to say how long the climb will take - Up to 6hours for the round trip.
NotesI will need a climbing partner to tackle the Cioch Nose - used to be graded as 'difficult'; now severe 4a. I climbed Sword of Gideon on this hill c1991 but never went to the top of the mountain.
19 July 2022
Due to a lack of climbing partner and needing to arrive home reasonably early, there was a change of plan, making the much easier ascent from the Bealach na Bà car park.
The day began with the walk out from Uags, a bit of coastal photography and a bacon butty with tea at the Applecross Inn.
The day began with the walk out from Uags, a bit of coastal photography and a bacon butty with tea at the Applecross Inn.
There is a large track up to the mast followed by easy walking to the true summit and back, though there is a certain amount of up and down. I passed a German family relaxing in the sun and later met the mother who was trying to get her family to do more hiking. She had not in fact reached the summit, I think because rain was forecast mid-afternoon.
I was very interested in A' Chioch. It had always been my plan to climb this. I am now of an age where I have to accept that there are some things that perhaps I will never do, but hopefully the opportunity will arise, even if using a guide. On the Walkhighlands site, "Alteknacker" describes a scrambling route that he successfully completed but I think I would want to do the true climbing route at VD/HVD.
On reaching the summit, I set up my tripod for a selfie, but then heard an approaching party, so I decided to wait for a human bipod with greater height than my Velbon mini tripod which stands at a maximum 56cm.
I bypassed the mast on my return and arrived back at the car before the rain arrived.
10 more Corbetts to go!
10 more Corbetts to go!