South-east ridge of Ben Vorlich. Spot the tent!
Meall na Fearna and Ben Vorlich
MunrosBen Vorlich
CorbettsMeal na Fearna
Distance/Ascent13km 1163m
Estimated Time6h 30min
NotesThere is a flat area on the south-east ridge, just a few hundred feet below the summit and this makes an excellent place to pitch a tent with great views of the Lowlands to the south.
18-19 July 2023
Six Corbetts to go and this was firmly set as my next one! I was looking forward to climbing its neighbouring Munro. When I repeat a Munro, I like to add something different to my firs ascent. The Corbett, an ascent via the south-east ridge and a high level camp with an early morning summit all made for a very different experience, not to mention the aging legs.
I had thought about heading off to do this the previous week but the forecast was not good, including fairly strong winds up high. This trip had been on my list for some time and I wanted to take on the challenge in reasonably good conditions.
I was in no hurry and I took a couple of photos near the start.
I had checked the weather forecast and knew that there would be very little wind. This lead to beautiful reflections on Loch Earn.
I had thought about heading off to do this the previous week but the forecast was not good, including fairly strong winds up high. This trip had been on my list for some time and I wanted to take on the challenge in reasonably good conditions.
I was in no hurry and I took a couple of photos near the start.
I had checked the weather forecast and knew that there would be very little wind. This lead to beautiful reflections on Loch Earn.
I continued to set a leisurely pace. It was not until I was a little way up the track that I realised that I had left my walking poles leaning against the car. I dumped my pack and hurried down to collect them before they "disappeared". I passed a couple who said that they saw them and thought about placing them across the windscreen of the car. I said that it was best to leave them as they were. They were the opposite side to the road so less obvious than across the windscreen. I collected my poles and then continued back up at a greater pace without the weight of my pack.
Some way up there is a wooden bridge and I noticed this large insect. Tabanus sudeticus or or dark giant horsefly is the heaviest European insect and it uses its mouthparts like a pair of scissors to cut through the skin before drawing up the blood.
As I walked away, I looked over my shoulder to se if it was coming after me. They may be less annoying than midges but they have a very painful bite.
I forked left as the track went right for the main route up to Ben Vorlich and further on left again towards Meall na Fearna. Gradually the track faded and I was walking over grass, heather, bilberries and cloudberries.
I forked left as the track went right for the main route up to Ben Vorlich and further on left again towards Meall na Fearna. Gradually the track faded and I was walking over grass, heather, bilberries and cloudberries.
I did not carry my pack all the way to the summit but deposited it here and continued just with my camera and a single pole so that my other hand was free to carry the tripod for some summit selfies on a 12 second delay.
Summit selfie with Ben Vorlich and Stùc a' Chròin beyond.
Selfie from a different angle with the Ben Lawers group beyond.
Stuc a'Chroin and Ben Vorlich
I was considering the best way to approach Ben Vorlich with a fairly heavy pack and I opted for the route roughly sketched below. The dashed line ends at my camp for the night, which as you can see is not far off the summit of Ben Vorlich.
During my Ben Armine trip, I photographed and made a video clip of a toad. This time it was a frog.
A friend of mine had posted a picture of her and her father's camp on the south-east ridge of Ben Vorlich on Facebook some years ago and it had stuck in my mind. I initially pitched to the north-east side of the ridge to have shelter from the prevailing southwesterlies but on this occasion the slight winds were coming from the north-east, so I moved the tent perhaps 15-20 metres. I quickly wished I had left it in the windier spot as I was attacked by midges. The wind was not strong and it Ould have been perfectly fine in the original spot.
I heated up some water for my freeze-dried meal and inflated my sleeping mat and pillow. I was thirsty more than I was hungry so after adding the water to the sachet, I left it for a long time to the point where it was only Luke warm, but it had hydrated well and had a very good texture and flavour. I had done some research ahead of ordering a boxful of meals online. The review for this particular meal was very good and I was not disappointed. It made a nice change from Supernoodles.
I heated up some water for my freeze-dried meal and inflated my sleeping mat and pillow. I was thirsty more than I was hungry so after adding the water to the sachet, I left it for a long time to the point where it was only Luke warm, but it had hydrated well and had a very good texture and flavour. I had done some research ahead of ordering a boxful of meals online. The review for this particular meal was very good and I was not disappointed. It made a nice change from Supernoodles.
With the tent up and dinner "cooked", it began to rain so I dined inside the tent and then had a little dose. The rain lasted for an hour or so before I felt the warmth of the sun and got outside. This is looking south-east towards the Lowlands.
A perfect stop for an overnight camp, other than the lack of running water, but I had filled a small bottle on the way up. I really had plenty and still had a bit of water in my reservoir when I arrived back at the car.
The sun descended behind the summit of Ben Vorlich so there was no point in staying up late so I retired early and was up for the sunrise.
The early morning light illuminated the route ahead.
On the summit for 6 a.m. I wanted to be down early for a second breakfast and then a Graham planned for the afternoon.
I was surprised by the amount of erosion there was on the path down. I do not remember it being so eroded back in 1992. I passed a young woman - I think she said it was her seventh Munro. Than a couple in their thirties. The woman asked me how long it took me to reach the top. I pointed out that I was carrying overnight gear, did another hill first, had camped out and that I am over 60. I told them that they were young and travelling light so they should reach the top within two hours.
The mown hay had been left out to dry and I feel that it adds to the composition of the photograph. The hill in the distance is Ben Vorlich.
The mown hay had been left out to dry and I feel that it adds to the composition of the photograph. The hill in the distance is Ben Vorlich.